Oooooh it has been a while. What have I been up to? How's the low-carb thing going? Well, I consistently fail at the low-carb thing. But, I'm aware, it is all a learning process - not every day will go well. As for me, I haven't been up to much. Barely made it through the Thanksgiving holidays.
I have set a new goal for myself: be out of my parents' house by the end of the year. And, not just out of my parents' house, but more specifically into my own house. Yes, I'm hoping to be able to A) afford one and B) find a good one.
It is time to move out - there are some things that just move smoother when I'm not living at home. Sooooo, that means if anybody knows of a future roommate for me....I'd appreciate any & all suggestions :)
On another note, I've almost finished all of my Christmas shopping!!! Now THAT makes me a happy camper!
And the most exciting news? I am being moved into another job in a different department - an AWESOME opportunity. It will provide much more visibility and tons of opportunity...very much looking forward to it. I start at the beginning of the year.
Christmas countdown: 19 Days