Children love boundaries - or at least thrive with them...that's what I hear parents say. Boundaries provide structure, safety and prevent chaos. They are good, healthy and necessary.
Well, we as children of Christ are also to operate within certain boundaries - granted, this can be different for each individual. However, ultimately, the Bible gives us the guidelines and boundaries with which we are to live by.
A few months ago, I felt the Lord draw in my boundaries in a certain area of my life. I feel like He took me from a field to play in to a little 4x4 fenced in area. Some days it's frustrating, but I KNOW it's good for me.
Of course, almost immediately after I was given those boundaries - I tested them. And, not surprisingly, I got hurt. A gentle reminder from the Lord that there is purpose behind fencing me in, and it's not to be hurtful and controlling, but to protect me from the hurt.
I do know, though, at any time, I can leave my 4x4 area and frolic in the my own risk. Being the somewhat free spirit I am...or more, hard-headed gal, this is oh-so-tempting. These boundaries are not going to be patrolled by the Lord. He won't be walking around the perimeter to make sure I'm following in's up to me. I have to make the decision to stay. I have to decide what's important - obedience and safety or selfishness and pain.
Tonight was the first time I had to stay inside the fence. It's hard and I feel REALLY limited in some ways. But, He's protecting me from the hurt. He has my best interest in mind. I have to trust and believe this.
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